Developmental & Stem Cell Biology

BMS is home to numerous faculty members with research programs focused on fundamental questions in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology. In addition to the focus area within BMS, a distinct Graduate Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology exists for those applicants who are committed to those topics. This program has a more focused curriculum including coursework, seminars, and journal clubs specific to Developmental and Stem Cell Biology. The BMS program maintains a more interdisciplinary curriculum, integrating multiple distinct focus areas with an overarching emphasis on biomedically relevant questions.

Most Developmental and Stem Cell Biology faculty members have appointments in both programs. Key topics of investigation among the faculty include cellular specification and differentiation, organogenesis, tissue morphogenesis and regeneration, and cell-cell signaling during development. A variety of model systems are used to pursue relevant topics in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, including worms, flies, fish, chickens, mice, and human-derived tissues and cells.


Participating Faculty

Ben Braun, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Cancer Biology & Cell Signaling
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Ras signaling in cancer stem cells

Benoit Bruneau, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Vascular & Cardiac Biology
Research Summary: 
Transcriptional regulation of cardiac morphogenesis and differentiation

Abby Buchwalter, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Human Genetics
Research Summary: 
We seek to understand how the organization of the nucleus is established, specialized across cell types, and maintained over time to influence cellular identity.
Mentorship Development: 

11/21/19    Equity and Inclusion in the Lab (2 hours)
11/10/20    Optimizing the Efficiency of Your Lab
5/2021  Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS)

Jeffrey Bush, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Human Genetics
Research Summary: 
Signaling control of mammalian morphogenesis and congenital disease
Mentorship Development: 

5/2021 - Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS)

Cathryn Cadwell, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Development of cortical cell types and circuits

Jonah Chan, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Neuronal/Glial Interactions that Control Myelination

Tammy Chang, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Understanding the basic biology and realizing applicable strategies to enable liver tissue engineering for the treatment of end-stage liver disease.
Mentorship Development: 

12/19/19    ACRA: Setting Training Expectations for Trainees on the Academic Career Track (1.5 hours)
2/16/21       Three Truths & Three Tries: Facing & Overcoming Critical Social Justice Challenges at the Micro, Mezzo & Macro Levels

Harold Chapman, MD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Core mechanisms of fibrosis and lung regeneration as a path to anti-fibrotic therapies.

Kelsey Collins, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
We leverage interdisciplinary approaches in bioengineering, endocrinology, and physiology to determine molecular mechanisms of tissue crosstalk in osteoarthritis.

Bruce Conklin, MD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Human Cardiovascular Genetics and Genome Engineering

Marco Conti, MD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Mechanisms of Action of Peptide Hormones and Growth Factors

Kyle Cromer, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Human Genetics
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
The research interest of my lab lies at the intersection of CRISPR-based genome editing and protein/cell engineering with special focus on hematopoietic stem cells and red blood cell disorders.
