The Gilbert lab's expertise is in synthetic biology, functional genomics and cancer biology.
Mentorship Development:
4/26/19 Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS) with Sharon Milgram (Mission Bay)
12/12/19 ACRA: Setting Training Expectations for Trainees on the Academic Career Track (1.5 hours)
4/23/20 Effective Strategies for IDPs
10/20/20 Gathering in Community: a Training for Faculty and Staff
Our lab focuses on developing computational and experimental strategies to reveal and mechanistically characterize novel regulatory pathways that drive cancer metastasis.
Mentorship Development:
4/11/19 Acknowleding and Negotiating the Mentee-Mentor Tensions Inherent in the Research Lab (Mission Bay)
10/20/20 Gathering in Community: a Training for Faculty and Staff
The Gordan lab combines chemical biology with cancer systems biology strategies to identify new therapeutic targets and drug combinations for GI cancers.