Bryan Greenhouse, MD, MA

Professor in Residence
Department of Medicine
+1 628 206-8844
Research Description: 

My research is focused on developing new tools to better measure malaria transmission and determine how some people are able to be infected with malaria parasites without becoming sick. We do this by studying malaria in its natural environment, applying novel laboratory and analytical methods to high quality field studies. Most of our work is based in malaria endemic areas, primarily sub-Saharan Africa. My current projects focus on understanding the development of naturally acquired immunity, creating novel antibody-based tools to measure malaria exposure and immunologic protection, working on improved diagnostics, and using parasite genetics and spatial data to understand parasite transmission and evolution. I am dedicated to teaching and mentoring, and am coordinating efforts to democratize access to malaria genomics by improving access to analytics and creating training resources. Our group is also committed to improving capacity for laboratory genomics and data analysis and are actively working with several partners on these efforts. My lab is based at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, where I co-lead the UCSF EPPIcenter.

Mentorship Development: 

11/10/20    Optimizing the Efficiency of Your Lab


Featured Publications: 

B cell sub-types following acute malaria and associations with clinical immunity.

Malaria journal

Sullivan RT, Ssewanyana I, Wamala S, Nankya F, Jagannathan P, Tappero JW, Mayanja-Kizza H, Muhindo MK, Arinaitwe E, Kamya M, Dorsey G, Feeney ME, Riley EM, Drakeley CJ, Greenhouse B, Sullivan R

Novel serologic biomarkers provide accurate estimates of recent Plasmodium falciparum exposure for individuals and communities.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Helb DA, Tetteh KK, Felgner PL, Skinner J, Hubbard A, Arinaitwe E, Mayanja-Kizza H, Ssewanyana I, Kamya MR, Beeson JG, Tappero J, Smith DL, Crompton PD, Rosenthal PJ, Dorsey G, Drakeley CJ, Greenhouse B

FCRL5 Delineates Functionally Impaired Memory B Cells Associated with Plasmodium falciparum Exposure.

PLoS pathogens

Sullivan RT, Kim CC, Fontana MF, Feeney ME, Jagannathan P, Boyle MJ, Drakeley CJ, Ssewanyana I, Nankya F, Mayanja-Kizza H, Dorsey G, Greenhouse B

Evidence for both innate and acquired mechanisms of protection from Plasmodium falciparum in children with sickle cell trait.


Gong L, Maiteki-Sebuguzi C, Rosenthal PJ, Hubbard AE, Drakeley CJ, Dorsey G, Greenhouse B