Early stages of development of neurodegenerative diseases in humans. Dr. Grinberg employs a combination of well characterized postmortem human brain tissue, Neurons derived from IPSc lines and advanced methods of imaging processing.
Investigate the mechanisms underlying pancreatic diseases, including diabetes and pancreatic cancer, in order to gain novel insights that can be translated into therapeutic treatments for patients suffering from these diseases.
Mentorship Development:
12/19/19 ACRA: Setting training expectations for trainees on the academic career track
Immunmodulatory, cytoreductive chemotherapeutic and stem cell transplantation approaches to HIV-1 cure. Design and implementation of novel nano/microtechnologies to characterize viral reservoirs.
We study patterns of human genetic variation using large-scale data and the tools of population genomics.
Mentorship Development:
3/10/20 Promoting Student Mental Health:A Presentation and Discussion (Staff and Faculty)
4/23/20 Effective Strategies for IDPs
4/30/20 Mental Health in a Pandemic: Q&A for Faculty
2/18/21 Three Truths and Three Tries: Facing and Overcoming Critical Social Justice Challenges at the Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Levels
2/19/21 DEI Champions Training