
All of the faculty associated with the BMS graduate program are listed below. Click on a faculty name to view a detailed description of an individual research program, contact information, recent publications and links to other relevant websites. Each of our faculty is associated with one or more of our eight thematic areas; click on the thematic area name listed by each of our faculty to read more about the research going on in that area, and to view a list of all faculty associated with that thematic area.

Hanna Martens, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Our research examines how tissue mechanics influence the aging process.

Aras Mattis, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Research Summary: 
Regulation of hepatic development, metabolism, and paths towards cancer.
Mentorship Development: 

4/12/19    Acknowleding and Negotiating the Mentee-Mentor Tensions Inherent in the Research Lab (Parnassus)
12/12/19    ACRA: Setting Training Expectations for Trainees on the Academic Career Track (1.5 hours)
10/20/20    Gathering in Community: a Training for Faculty and Staff

Thea Mauro, MD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Ionic Fluxes Control Keratinocyte Adhesion, Differentiation and Secretion

Frank Mccormick, PhD, FRS

Primary Thematic Area: 
Cancer Biology & Cell Signaling
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
New approaches to targeting Ras

Michael Mcmanus, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Human Genetics
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Research Summary: 
Noncoding RNAs - the Dark Matter of the Genome
Mentorship Development: 

4/29/19 - Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS) 
5/26/20 - Effective Strategies for IDPs for Partial Resumption of Lab Research
11/10/20 - Optimizing the Efficiency of Your Lab
2/16/21 - Three Truths and Three Tries: Facing and Overcoming Critical Social Justice Challenges at the Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Levels
5/2021 - Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS) 

Synthia Mellon, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Developmental Regulation, Molecular Biology and Novel Actions of Steroid/Neurosteroid Synthesis

Takashi Mikawa, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Vascular & Cardiac Biology
Research Summary: 
Developmental Regulation of Organogenesis
Mentorship Development: 

4/26/19    Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS) with Sharon Milgram (Mission Bay)
2/18/21    Three Truths and Three Tries: Facing and Overcoming Critical Social Justice Challenges at the Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Levels

Jj Miranda, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Virology & Microbial Pathogenesis
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Cancer Biology & Cell Signaling
Research Summary: 
Spatial organization of viral genomes in the three-dimensional space of the nucleus. Chromatin regulation of viral transcription during cancer.

Mark Moasser, MD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Cancer Biology & Cell Signaling
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Human Genetics
Research Summary: 
Tyrosine kinase oncogenes in human cancer

Ari Molofsky, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Tissue / Organ Biology & Endocrinology
Research Summary: 
Type 2 immunity in organ health and disease

Anna Victoria Molofsky, MD, PhD

Primary Thematic Area: 
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Brain-immune interactions throughout the lifespan
Mentorship Development: 

9/2020  Mentoring Across Differences
5/2021  Sharpening your Mentoring Skills (SyMS) 
