
Resolving stem and progenitor cells in the adult mouse incisor through gene co-expression analysis.


Seidel K, Marangoni P, Tang C, Houshmand B, Du W, Maas RL, Murray S, Oldham MC, Klein OD

Dual leucine zipper kinase-dependent PERK activation contributes to neuronal degeneration following insult.


Larhammar M, Huntwork-Rodriguez S, Jiang Z, Solanoy H, Sengupta Ghosh A, Wang B, Kaminker JS, Huang K, Eastham-Anderson J, Siu M, Modrusan Z, Farley MM, Tessier-Lavigne M, Lewcock JW, Watkins TA

Age-dependent diastolic heart failure in an in vivo Drosophila model.


Klassen MP, Peters CJ, Zhou S, Williams HH, Jan LY, Jan YN

Age-dependent diastolic heart failure in an in vivo Drosophila model.


Klassen MP, Peters CJ, Zhou S, Williams HH, Jan LY, Jan YN

Shaping the sound of voice.


Marcucio R

Shaping the sound of voice.


Marcucio R

Chlamydia interfere with an interaction between the mannose-6-phosphate receptor and sorting nexins to counteract host restriction.


Elwell CA, Czudnochowski N, von Dollen J, Johnson JR, Nakagawa R, Mirrashidi K, Krogan NJ, Engel JN, Rosenberg OS

Chlamydia interfere with an interaction between the mannose-6-phosphate receptor and sorting nexins to counteract host restriction.


Elwell CA, Czudnochowski N, von Dollen J, Johnson JR, Nakagawa R, Mirrashidi K, Krogan NJ, Engel JN, Rosenberg OS
