
Impaired myofibroblast proliferation is a central feature of pathologic post-natal alveolar simplification.


Khan IS, Molina C, Ren X, Auyeung VC, Cohen M, Tsukui T, Atakilit A, Sheppard D

Pharmacologically inducing regenerative cardiac cells by small molecule drugs.


Wei Zhou, Kezhang He, Chiyin Wang, Pengqi Wang, Dan Wang, Bowen Wang, Han Geng, Hong Lian, Tianhua Ma, Yu Nie, Sheng Ding

Conserved regulatory motifs in the juxtamembrane domain and kinase N-lobe revealed through deep mutational scanning of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase domain.


Estevam GO, Linossi EM, Macdonald CB, Espinoza CA, Michaud JM, Coyote-Maestas W, Collisson EA, Jura N, Fraser JS

Rifampicin tolerance and growth fitness among isoniazid-resistant clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from a longitudinal study.


Vijay S, Bao NLH, Vinh DN, Nhat LTH, Thu DDA, Quang NL, Trieu LPT, Nhung HN, Ha VTN, Thai PVK, Ha DTM, Lan NH, Caws M, Thwaites GE, Javid B, Thuong NT

A synergistic workspace for human consciousness revealed by Integrated Information Decomposition.


Luppi AI, Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Allanson J, Pickard J, Carhart-Harris RL, Williams GB, Craig MM, Finoia P, Owen AM, Naci L, Menon DK, Bor D, Stamatakis EA

The breath shape controls intonation of mouse vocalizations.


MacDonald A, Hebling A, Wei XP, Yackle K

Structural characterization of ligand binding and pH-specific enzymatic activity of mouse Acidic Mammalian Chitinase.


Díaz RE, Ecker AK, Correy GJ, Asthana P, Young ID, Faust B, Thompson MC, Seiple IB, Van Dyken S, Locksley RM, Fraser JS

Disease modeling and pharmacological rescue of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa associated with RHO copy number variation.


Kandoi S, Martinez C, Chen KX, Mehine M, Reddy LVK, Mansfield BC, Duncan JL, Lamba DA
