Cancer research

Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) amplification in human gliomas identified using two-dimensional separation of genomic DNA.

Cancer research

Costello JF, Plass C, Arap W, Chapman VM, Held WA, Berger MS, Su Huang HJ, Cavenee WK

Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) amplification in human gliomas identified using two-dimensional separation of genomic DNA.

Cancer research

Costello JF, Plass C, Arap W, Chapman VM, Held WA, Berger MS, Su Huang HJ, Cavenee WK

Separate pathways for p53 induction by ionizing radiation and N-(phosphonoacetyl)-L-aspartate.

Cancer research

Chen CY, Hall I, Lansing TJ, Gilmer TM, Tlsty TD, Kastan MB

Separate pathways for p53 induction by ionizing radiation and N-(phosphonoacetyl)-L-aspartate.

Cancer research

Chen CY, Hall I, Lansing TJ, Gilmer TM, Tlsty TD, Kastan MB

Silencing of p16/CDKN2 expression in human gliomas by methylation and chromatin condensation.

Cancer research

Costello JF, Berger MS, Huang HS, Cavenee WK

Silencing of p16/CDKN2 expression in human gliomas by methylation and chromatin condensation.

Cancer research

Costello JF, Berger MS, Huang HS, Cavenee WK

Deletion and altered regulation of p16INK4a and p15INK4b in undifferentiated mouse skin tumors.

Cancer research

Linardopoulos S, Street AJ, Quelle DE, Parry D, Peters G, Sherr CJ, Balmain A
