Cancer research

Increased translocations and aneusomy in chromosomes 8 and 21 among workers exposed to benzene.

Cancer research

Smith MT, Zhang L, Wang Y, Hayes RB, Li G, Wiemels J, Dosemeci M, Titenko-Holland N, Xi L, Kolachana P, Yin S, Rothman N

Nuclear location and cell cycle regulation of the BRCA2 protein.

Cancer research

Bertwistle D, Swift S, Marston NJ, Jackson LE, Crossland S, Crompton MR, Marshall CJ, Ashworth A

Human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 as a candidate tumor suppressor.

Cancer research

Teng DH, Perry WL, Hogan JK, Baumgard M, Bell R, Berry S, Davis T, Frank D, Frye C, Hattier T, Hu R, Jammulapati S, Janecki T, Leavitt A, Mitchell JT, Pero R, Sexton D, Schroeder M, Su PH, Swedlund B, Kyriakis JM, Avruch J, Bartel P, Wong AK, Tavtigian SV

Cellular adhesion regulates p53 protein levels in primary human keratinocytes.

Cancer research

Nigro JM, Aldape KD, Hess SM, Tlsty TD

Cellular adhesion regulates p53 protein levels in primary human keratinocytes.

Cancer research

Nigro JM, Aldape KD, Hess SM, Tlsty TD
