
Taking sharper pictures of malaria with CAMERAs: Combined Antibodies to Measure Exposure Recency Assays.


Bryan Greenhouse,David L Smith,Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer,Ivo Mueller,Chris Drakeley

Heterogeneous exposure and hotspots for malaria vectors at three study sites in Uganda.


Su Yun Kang,Katherine E Battle,Harry S Gibson,Laura V Cooper,Kilama Maxwell,Moses Kamya,Steve Lindsay,Grant Dorsey,Bryan Greenhouse,Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer,Robert C Reiner,David L Smith,Donal Bisanzio

Diverse progenitor cells preserve salivary gland ductal architecture after radiation induced damage.


Alison May,Noel Cruz Pacheco,Elaine Emmerson,Kerstin Siedel,Sara Nathan,Marcus O Muench,Ophir D Klein,Sarah M Knox

Mapping malaria by combining parasite genomic and epidemiologic data.


Amy Wesolowski,Aimee Taylor,Hsiao-Han Chang,Robert Verity,Sofonias Tessema,Jeffrey Bailey,T. Alex Perkins,Daniel Neafsey,Bryan Greenhouse,Caroline O Buckee

Switch-like activation of Bruton's tyrosine kinase by membrane-mediated dimerization.


Jean K Chung,Laura M Nocka,Qi Wang,Theresa A Kadlecek,Arthur Weiss,John Kuriyan,Jay T Groves

Variation among intact tissue samples reveals the core transcriptional features of human CNS cell classes.


Kevin W. Kelley,Hiromi Inoue,Anna V. Molofsky,Michael C. Oldham

OGT binds a conserved C-terminal domain of TET1 toregulate TET1 activity and function in development.


Joel Hrit,Cheng Li,Elizabeth Allene Martin,Eric Simental,Mary Goll,Barbara Panning

Rapid Identification and Validation of Novel Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Treatments using an Integrative Bioinformatics Platform.


Aaron C Daugherty,Carl Farrington,Isaac Hakin,Sana Mujahid,Elizabeth S Noblin,Andrew M Radin,Mei-Sze Chua,Mark Rabe,Guy Fernald,Daniel Ford,Marina Sirota,Laura Schaevitz,Andrew A Radin
