Biophysical journal

Movement of Signaling Receptors Inside Primary Cilia.

Biophysical journal

Maxence Nachury

Engineering Inhibitor Specificity in the Dead-Box Protein Family.

Biophysical journal

Kendall Condon, Stephen Floor, Jennifer Doudna

Movement of Signaling Receptors Inside Primary Cilia.

Biophysical journal

Maxence Nachury

Engineering Inhibitor Specificity in the Dead-Box Protein Family.

Biophysical journal

Kendall Condon,Stephen Floor,Jennifer Doudna

Investigation of Novel Zap-70 Functionality in T Cell Signaling Pathways using Computational Modeling.

Biophysical journal

Maria P. Frushicheva,Arthur Weiss,Arup K. Chakraborty

Molecular Determinants of Substrate Specificity in Type VII Secretion Systems.

Biophysical journal

Dustin Dovala,Oren S. Rosenberg,Jeffery S. Cox

Light-Modulated Cell Adhesion to Control Cell and Tissue Morphogenesis.

Biophysical journal

Jeffrey van Haren,Torsten Wittmann

The Topological Organization of the Inactive X Chromosome in its Native State.

Biophysical journal

Elizabeth A. Smith,Gerry McDermott,Karen Leung,Barbara Panning,Carolyn A. Larabell,Mark A. Le Gros

Using a Transcriptional Network to Approach the Mechanism of Fungal Meningitis.

Biophysical journal

Christina M. Homer,Alexi Goranov,Dan Santos,Ippolito Caradonna,Sarah Petnic,Hiten D. Madhani

Regulation of CatSper Channel through Non-Conventional Lipid Signaling.

Biophysical journal

Melissa R. Miller,Yuriy Kirichok,Polina Lishko
