Biophysical journal

KRAS Prenylation Is Required for Bivalent Binding with Calmodulin in a Nucleotide-Independent Manner.

Biophysical journal

Agamasu C, Ghirlando R, Taylor T, Messing S, Tran TH, Bindu L, Tonelli M, Nissley DV, McCormick F, Stephen AG

Finding and Interpreting Genetic Interactions using Perturb-Seq Single Cell RNA-Seq CRISPR Screens.

Biophysical journal

Jonathan Weissman, Thomas Norman, Max Horlbeck, Luke Gilbert

Beyond the TCR, Antigen Discrimination in T Cells Continues in the LAT:GRB2:SOS Protein Condensate.

Biophysical journal

Shalini T. Low-Nam,Jenny JY Lin,Darren B. McAffee,Steven A. Alvarez,Scott D. Hansen,Kole T. Roybal,Jay T. Groves

Probing the Physical and Molecular Basis of the Mammalian Mitotic Spindle's Response to Force.

Biophysical journal

Pooja Suresh, Alexandra F. Long, Sophie Dumont

Probing How the Mammalian Kinetochore Holds on to Growing versus Shrinking Microtubules.

Biophysical journal

Alexandra F. Long, Dylan B. Udy, Pooja Suresh, Sophie Dumont

NuMA Recruits Dynein Activity to Microtubule Minus-Ends at Mitosis.

Biophysical journal

Christina L. Hueschen, Samuel J. Kenny, Ke Xu, Sophie Dumont
