BMS Seminar Series 2014-15

The weekly Seminars in Biomedical Sciences attract renowned faculty from all over the world to present cutting-edge research related to human health and disease, and are open to the entire community.  

2014-15 Seminar Schedule (archive)

Day/Time: Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m.
Location: N-225, Parnassus, except as noted
Some (but not all) presentations may be available via livestream and on-demand. Spring 2015,Winter 2015Fall 2014 (UCSF MyAccess login required) **Note: the Safari web browser may not work correctly when trying to view the video.**

Miguel Ramalho-Santos, PhD, MSc
Associate Professor, Center for Reproductive Sciences, UCSF
"Epigenetic regulation of pluripotency and inheritance"
Host:  Susan Fisher, PhD

Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD
Professor of Neurology, Stanford Univ.
"Young blood for old brains"
Host: Saul Villeda, PhD

10/22/14  co-sponsored by the UCSF Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Grad. Prg.
Antonio Giraldez, Phd
"The domino of life: activation of the zygotic program during the maternal to zygotic transition, a model for in vivo reprogramming."
Host:  Robert Blelloch, MD, PhD

Benjamin Ohlstein, MD, PhD
"Regulating Intestinal Stem Cell Number: 'You Can Go Home Again'"
Host: Todd Nystul, PhD

William Muller, PhD
McGill Univ.
"Oncogene mediated signal transduction in transgenic mouse models of human breast cancer"
Host: Zena Werb, PhD

Kevan Shokat, PhD
"Small molecule drugs for correcting genetic disorders, from neurodegeneration to cancer"
Host: Kevan Shokat, PhD

Yosuke Mukoyama (Yoh-suke Mukouyama), PhD
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH
"Patterning Mechanisms Responsible for Generating a Complex Branching Network in the Nervous and Vascular Systems"
Host: Takashi Mikawa, PhD

Ari Melnick, MD
Weill Cornell Medical College
"Mechanism of action and therapeutic targeting of the BCL6 transcriptional repressor in B-cell lymphomas."
Host:  Markus Muschen, MD, PhD

Matthew Vander Heiden, MD, PhD
"Understanding the role of altered metabolism in tumors"
Host:  Andrei Goga, MD, PhD

Jeffrey Rathmell, PhD
Duke Univ.
"Metabolic reprogramming to meet the demands of lymphocyte activation"
Host: Jayanta Debnath, MD

Anne Brunet, PhD
"Aging and regneration"
Host:  Saul Villeda, PhD

Stephen Farmer, PhD
Boston University
"Myocardin Related Transcription Factor A (MRTFA) Regulates Conversion of Progenitros to Beige Adipocytes."
Host: Shingo Kajimura, PhD

***1/28/15 SEMINAR CANCELED***
1/28/15  co-sponsored by the UCSF Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Grad. Prg.
Ed Morrisey, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
"Epigenetic regulation of lung development and regeneration"
Host: Jason Rock, PhD

Brendan Lee, MD, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
"Altered Matrix to Cell Signaling in the Human Skeletal Dysplasias"
Host: Ophir Klein, MD, PhD

Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker, PhD
University of Toronto
"Controlling T-Cell Developmental Outcomes"
Host: Trevor Burt, MD

Alison Goate, PhD
Ronald M. Loeb Center on Alzheimer's Disease,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
"Genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease: an emerging role for rare variants"
Host: Yadong Huang, MD, PhD

Feng Zhang, PhD
"Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Editing."
Host: BMS Students

Matthew Lorincz, PhD
Univ. of British Columbia
"Impact of LTR Retrotransposons on the Transcriptome and Methylome in the Mouse Germline."
Host: Miguel Ramalho-Santos, PhD

David Valle, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins Univ.
"The Search for Mendelian Disease Genes: Opportunities Afforded; Lessons Learned."
Host: Robert Nussbaum, MD

Joyce Bischoff
"Cellular and Molecular Dissection of a Vascular Tumor of Infancy - from Endothelial Cells, to Pericytes, to Facultative Stem Cells."
Host: Rong Wang, PhD

Eric Pamer, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
"Microbiota-mediated resistance against intestinal infections"
Host:  Anna Bakardjiev, MD

4/1/15  Karl F. Meyer Memorial Lecture
Jennifer Doudna, PhD
UC Berkeley
"The World of CRISPRS: From Biology to Technology."
Host: Oren Rosenberg, MD, PhD

There will be no seminar on 4/8/15.

Jesse Bloom, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
"Constraints on the evolution of influenza"
Host: Raul Andino, PhD

Heinrich Jasper, PhD
Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA
"Stem cell aging and tissue homeostasis: lessons from Drosophila"
Host: Emmanuelle Passegue, PhD

Kevin Eggan
"New ideas about motor neuron disease from emerging stem cell and animal models."
Host: Susan Fisher, PhD

5/4/15 - co-sponsored by UCSF Medical Scientist Training Program
* special date and location: Monday, 5/4/15, 4:00 pm, Cole Hall *

Michael Brown, MD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
"A Century of Cholesterol and Coronaries."
Host: Mark Anderson, MD, PhD

David Sabatini, MD, PhD
"Regulation of Growth and Metabolism"
Host: Michael McManus, PhD

James Fagin, MD
Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
"Thyroid cancer: A simple genome that clarifies tumor biology and guides therapy."
Host: Dolores Shoback, MD

Jernej Ule, PhD
UCL Institute of Neurology
"Global analysis of mRNA structures in human cells reveals a role in the ER stress response."
Host:  Matija Peterlin