
Early vs late age at onset frontotemporal dementia and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.


Seo SW, Thibodeau MP, Perry DC, Hua A, Sidhu M, Sible I, Vargas JNS, Gaus SE, Rabinovici GD, Rankin KD, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Grinberg LT, Huang EJ, DeArmond SJ, Trojanowski JQ, Miller BL, Seeley WW

BDNF Val66Met predicts cognitive decline in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention.


Boots EA, Schultz SA, Clark LR, Racine AM, Darst BF, Koscik RL, Carlsson CM, Gallagher CL, Hogan KJ, Bendlin BB, Asthana S, Sager MA, Hermann BP, Christian BT, Dubal DB, Engelman CD, Johnson SC, Okonkwo OC

BDNF Val66Met predicts cognitive decline in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention.


Boots EA, Schultz SA, Clark LR, Racine AM, Darst BF, Koscik RL, Carlsson CM, Gallagher CL, Hogan KJ, Bendlin BB, Asthana S, Sager MA, Hermann BP, Christian BT, Dubal DB, Engelman CD, Johnson SC, Okonkwo OC

Atrophy of spinal cord gray matter is detectable at an early stage of multiple sclerosis (S2.003).


Regina Schlaeger, Nico Papinutto, Alyssa Zhu, Esha Datta, Carolyn Bevan, Eduardo Caverzasi, Kesshi Jordan, Iryna Lobach, Anisha Keshavan, Gina Kirkish, William Stern, Michael Devereux, Nicholas Baker, Riley Bove, Jeffrey Gelfand, Jennifer Graves, Ari Green, Emmanuelle Waubant, Michael Wilson, Douglas Goodin, Bruce Cree, Stephen Hauser, Roland Henry

A high-throughput screen identifies a candidate molecule that promotes remyelination with significant translational potential (S50.003).


Kelsey Rankin, Yun-An Shen, Feng Mei, Caroline Desponts, Daniel Lorrain, Ari Green, Jonah Chan, Riley Bove

Clonal B cell persistence in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal immune repertoire study (P1.383).


Ariele Greenfield, Erica Eggers, Hao Wu, Sarah Laurent, Brady Michel, William Harkin, Natalie Pierson, Bruce Cree, Michael Wilson, Stephen Hauser, Hans-Christian von Büdingen

Encephalitis and AMPA receptor antibodies: Novel findings in a case series of 22 patients.


Höftberger R, van Sonderen A, Leypoldt F, Houghton D, Geschwind M, Gelfand J, Paredes M, Sabater L, Saiz A, Titulaer MJ, Graus F, Dalmau J

Variation in Longevity Gene KLOTHO is Associated with Greater Cortical Volumes in Aging (S41.002).


Jennifer Yokoyama, Virginia Sturm, Luke Bonham, Eric Klein, Konstantinos Arfanakis, Lei Yu, Giovanni Coppola, Joel Kramer, David Bennett, Bruce Miller, Dena Dubal
