Journal of Clinical Oncology

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of gilteritinib in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Catherine Choy Smith, Mark J. Levis, Mark Robert Litzow, Alexander E. Perl, Jessica K. Altman, Stan Gill, Geoffrey Yuen, Peter Bonate, Takeshi Kadokura, Angela Joubert James, Charles Liu, Itsuro Nagase, Ogert Fisniku, Erkut Bahceci

Phase I investigation of lenalidomide plus rituximab and outcomes of lenalidomide maintenance in recurrent CNS lymphoma.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

James L. Rubenstein, Eleanor Fraser, Paul Formaker, James Chi-Chiang Lee, Nianhang Chen, Mallory Kock, Wesley Cheung, Xiaomin Wang, Pamela N. Munster, Bertil Damato

Women informed to screen depending on measures of risk (WISDOM): A RCT of personalized vs. annual screening for breast cancer.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Sarah Rosenberg-Wohl, Martin Eklund, Jeffrey Tice, Elad Ziv, Celia Kaplan, Laura Van't Veer, Andrea LaCroix, Lisa Madlensky, Arash Naeim, Neil Wenger, Alexander D. Borowsky, Joshua Fenton, Hoda Anton-Culver, Michael Hogarth, Thomas Cink, Susie Brain, Diane Heditsian, Vivian Lee, Allison S Fiscalini, Laura Esserman

The WISDOM study pilot: Evaluating a preference-tolerant RCT of risk-based vs. annual breast cancer screening.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Sarah Theiner, Celia Kaplan, Setareh Sarrafan, Julissa Cabrera, Sarah Dilys Sawyer, April S Liang, Sarah Rosenberg-Wohl, Miya Frick, Emily Claire Wong, Jeffrey Tice, Elad Ziv, Alexander D. Borowsky, Hoda Anton-Culver, Arash Naeim, Andrea LaCroix, Thomas Cink, Laura Esserman, Laura Van't Veer, Allison S Fiscalini

Suppressive signals in colorectal cancer: RasGRP1 a new marker for anti-EGFR therapy?.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Jeroen Roose,Philippe Depeille,Robert S. Warren

Results of a first-in-human, phase I/II trial of ASP2215, a selective, potent inhibitor of FLT3/Axl in patients with relapsed or refractory (R/R) acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Mark J. Levis, Alexander E. Perl, Jessica K. Altman, Jorge E. Cortes, Ellen K. Ritchie, Richard A. Larson, Catherine Choy Smith, Eunice S. Wang, Stephen Anthony Strickland, Maria R. Baer, Mark Robert Litzow, David Claxton, Gary J. Schiller, Celalettin Ustun, Charles Liu, Stan Gill, Briana Sargent, Erkut Bahceci

Reply to H. Zetterberg et al.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

James L. Rubenstein, Lingjing Chen, Cigall Kadoch, Sushmita Roy, Chris Becker, Howard Schulman

In Reply.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

James Rubenstein, Lauren Abrey, Ranjana Advani, Marc Shuman, Tony Tsai, Joan O'Brien

Treatment of primary CNS lymphoma with induction high-dose methotrexate, temozolomide, rituximab followed by consolidation cytarabine/etoposide: A pilot study with biomarker analysis.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

S. Issa, J. Hwang, J. Karch, J. Fridlyand, M. Prados, T. Batchelor, K. Aldape, C. Haqq, L. Damon, J. Rubenstein
