Journal of Clinical Investigation

PP2A/STRN4 Negatively Regulates STING-Type I Interferon Signaling in Tumor Associated Macrophages (in press)

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Ho WS*, Mondal I*, Xu B*, Das O*, Sun R, Chiou P, Lyu J, Li L, Cai X, Tahmasebinia F, Wu C Y-J, Wu Z, Matsui W, Lim M, Meng Z, Lu RO* corresponding author

Abrogation of growth hormone secretion rescues fatty liver in mice with hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2.

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Brandon C. Sos,Charles Harris,Sarah M. Nordstrom,Jennifer L. Tran,Mercedesz Balázs,Patrick Caplazi,Maria Febbraio,Milana A.B. Applegate,Kay-Uwe Wagner,Ethan J. Weiss

DGAT1-dependent triacylglycerol storage by macrophages protects mice from diet-induced insulin resistance and inflammation.

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Suneil K. Koliwad,Ryan S. Streeper,Mara Monetti,Ivo Cornelissen,Liana Chan,Koji Terayama,Stephen Naylor,Meghana Rao,Brian Hubbard,Robert V. Farese