The FASEB Journal

Modeling the Development of Cleft Lip and Palate in Variable Clefting Mouse Strains.

The FASEB Journal

Rebecca M. Green, Courtney L. Leach, Sihan Guo, Virginia Diewert, Ralph S. Marcucio, Benedikt Hallgrimsson

Integration and the genetics of variation in facial shape.

The FASEB Journal

Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Jose David Aponte, David C Katz, Jordan J Bannister, Rebecca M Green, Nathan M Young, James M Cheverud, Nils Daniel Forkert, Ralph S Marcucio

Emergent Properties of Facial Morphogenesis Regulated by Fgf Signaling.

The FASEB Journal

Ralph Marcucio, Diane Hu, Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Nathan Young

Hypertelorism of Efnb1 Null Mice Occurs Independently of Changes to Underlying Brain Shape.

The FASEB Journal

Christopher J Percival, Jay Devine, Terren Niethamer, Jeffrey Bush

The Metabolism of Fluoropyrimidine Anticancer Drugs by the Human Gut Microbiome.

The FASEB Journal

Peter Spanogiannopoulos, Andrew D. Patteron, Peter J. Turnbaugh

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Require Homeostatic Signaling from the Unfolded Protein Response.

The FASEB Journal

Scott A. Oakes, Paul C. Moore, Jenny Y. Qi, Rachel Warren, Maike Thamsen, Rajarshi Ghosh, Micah J. Gliedt, Anne Hiniker, Grace E. Kim, Dustin J. Maly, Bradley J. Backes, Feroz R. Papa

Probing the Two Orientations of Pal in Vesiculating E. coli.

The FASEB Journal

Nicole Pannullo, Mark Zavorin, Brooke D'Arcy, Kara Farquharson, Ravinder Kaur, Naveen Surendran, Michael Pichichero, Judith Hellman, Lea Vacca Michel

Detecting Released Peptidoglycan Associated Lipoprotein (Pal) from Escherichia coli.

The FASEB Journal

Emma Snyder, Mark Zavorin, Kara Farquaharson, Nicole Panullo, Michael Pichichero, Judith Hellman, Lea Vacca Michel

Planar Enteroids Reveal an Autonomous WNT And BMP Circuit Controlling Intestinal Epithelial Growth and Organization.

The FASEB Journal

Curtis A. Thorne, Ina W. Chen, Laura E. Sanman, Melanie H. Cobb, Lani F. Wu, Steven J. Altschuler

Untangling Sources of Phenotypic Variation Characterizing the Craniofacial Disease Holoprosencephaly.

The FASEB Journal

Alexis Lainoff, Nathan Young, Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Ralph Marcucio
