Clinical chemistry

The Inclusion of Race in Prenatal Screening Algorithms.

Clinical chemistry

Norton ME, Risch N

B-075 Biophysical Changes of Leukocyte Activation (and NETosis) in the Cellular Host Response to Sepsis.

Clinical chemistry

M Sorrells, Y Seo, M Magnen, R Sheybani, A M Shah, H T Tse, M R Looney, H O'Neal

Forever Connected: The Lifelong Biological Consequences of Fetomaternal and Maternofetal Microchimerism.

Clinical chemistry

Bianchi DW, Khosrotehrani K, Way SS, MacKenzie TC, Bajema I, O'Donoghue K

Pitfalls in Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Measurement for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Protoporphyrias.

Clinical chemistry

Gou EW, Balwani M, Bissell DM, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, Desnick RJ, Naik H, Phillips JD, Singal AK, Wang B, Keel S, Anderson KE

Pitfalls in Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Measurement for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Protoporphyrias.

Clinical chemistry

Gou EW, Balwani M, Bissell DM, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, Desnick RJ, Naik H, Phillips JD, Singal AK, Wang B, Keel S, Anderson KE

Breaking the bottleneck in the protein biomarker pipeline.

Clinical chemistry

Witkowska HE, Hall SC, Fisher SJ

Breaking the bottleneck in the protein biomarker pipeline.

Clinical chemistry

Witkowska HE, Hall SC, Fisher SJ

Protein-based multiplex assays: mock presubmissions to the US Food and Drug Administration.

Clinical chemistry

Regnier FE, Skates SJ, Mesri M, Rodriguez H, Tezak Z, Kondratovich MV, Alterman MA, Levin JD, Roscoe D, Reilly E, Callaghan J, Kelm K, Brown D, Philip R, Carr SA, Liebler DC, Fisher SJ, Tempst P, Hiltke T, Kessler LG, Kinsinger CR, Ransohoff DF, Mansfield E, Anderson NL

Analytical validation of protein-based multiplex assays: a workshop report by the NCI-FDA interagency oncology task force on molecular diagnostics.

Clinical chemistry

Rodriguez H, Tezak Z, Mesri M, Carr SA, Liebler DC, Fisher SJ, Tempst P, Hiltke T, Kessler LG, Kinsinger CR, Philip R, Ransohoff DF, Skates SJ, Regnier FE, Anderson NL, Mansfield E
