Circulation research

The Cardiac Myofibroblast.

Circulation research

Alexanian M, Haldar SM

Macrophage Inflammation, Erythrophagocytosis, and Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Jak2 V617F Mice.

Circulation research

Wang W, Liu W, Fidler T, Wang Y, Tang Y, Woods B, Welch C, Cai B, Silvestre-Roig C, Ai D, Yang YG, Hidalgo A, Soehnlein O, Tabas I, Levine RL, Tall AR, Wang N

Abstract 281: Hepatic Liver Receptor Homolog-1, a Key Regulator of Lipid Storage and Phospholipid Diversity.

Circulation research

Diego A Miranda, William C Krause, Amaury Cazenave, Hazel A Escusa, Diyala S Shihadih, Andreas Stahl, Markus R Wenk, David L Silver, Holly A Ingraham

Multi-Imaging Method to Assay the Contractile Mechanical Output of Micropatterned Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Myocytes.

Circulation research

Ribeiro AJS, Schwab O, Mandegar MA, Ang YS, Conklin BR, Srivastava D, Pruitt BL

Multi-Imaging Method to Assay the Contractile Mechanical Output of Micropatterned Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Myocytes.

Circulation research

Ribeiro AJ, Schwab O, Mandegar MA, Ang YS, Conklin BR, Srivastava D, Pruitt BL

Platelet and Erythrocyte Sources of S1P Are Redundant for Vascular Development and Homeostasis, but Both Rendered Essential After Plasma S1P Depletion in Anaphylactic Shock.

Circulation research

Gazit SL, Mariko B, Thérond P, Decouture B, Xiong Y, Couty L, Bonnin P, Baudrie V, Le Gall SM, Dizier B, Zoghdani N, Ransinan J, Hamilton JR, Gaussem P, Tharaux PL, Chun J, Coughlin SR, Bachelot-Loza C, Hla T, Ho-Tin-Noé B, Camerer E

Platelet and Erythrocyte Sources of S1P Are Redundant for Vascular Development and Homeostasis, but Both Rendered Essential After Plasma S1P Depletion in Anaphylactic Shock.

Circulation research

Gazit SL, Mariko B, Thérond P, Decouture B, Xiong Y, Couty L, Bonnin P, Baudrie V, Le Gall SM, Dizier B, Zoghdani N, Ransinan J, Hamilton JR, Gaussem P, Tharaux PL, Chun J, Coughlin SR, Bachelot-Loza C, Hla T, Ho-Tin-Noé B, Camerer E

Abstract 417: BET Bromodomain Inhibition Blunts Heart Failure Progression and Fibrosis in Genetic Cardiomyopathy.

Circulation research

Michael A Burke, Hiroko Wakimoto, Joshua M Gorham, David A Conner, Jonathan G Seidman, James E Bradner, Saptarsi M Haldar, Jonathan D Brown, Christine E Seidman

Is Growth Differentiation Factor 11 a Realistic Therapeutic for Aging-Dependent Muscle Defects?

Circulation research

Harper SC, Brack A, MacDonnell S, Franti M, Olwin BB, Bailey BA, Rudnicki MA, Houser SR

Is Growth Differentiation Factor 11 a Realistic Therapeutic for Aging-Dependent Muscle Defects?

Circulation research

Harper SC, Brack A, MacDonnell S, Franti M, Olwin BB, Bailey BA, Rudnicki MA, Houser SR
