
Functional analysis of leukemia-associated PTPN11 mutations in primary hematopoietic cells.


Schubbert S, Lieuw K, Rowe SL, Lee CM, Li X, Loh ML, Clapp DW, Shannon KM

IgE- and IgE+Ag-mediated mast cell migration in an autocrine/paracrine fashion.


Kitaura J, Kinoshita T, Matsumoto M, Chung S, Kawakami Y, Leitges M, Wu D, Lowell CA, Kawakami T

IgE- and IgE+Ag-mediated mast cell migration in an autocrine/paracrine fashion.


Kitaura J, Kinoshita T, Matsumoto M, Chung S, Kawakami Y, Leitges M, Wu D, Lowell CA, Kawakami T

SATB1 family protein expressed during early erythroid differentiation modifies globin gene expression.


Wen J, Huang S, Rogers H, Dickinson LA, Kohwi-Shigematsu T, Noguchi CT

Homodimerization of Retinoic Acid Receptor alpha through its Fusion Partners Underlies Pathogenesis of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia.


Scott C. Kogan, Vernon T. Phan, Thomas Sternsdorf, Mei Lin Maunakea, Jastinder Sohal, Angela Silletto, Francesco Galimi, Ronald M. Evans

Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma of T Cell Origin: A Descriptive Analysis of 45 Cases from the International PCNSL Collaborative Group.


Tamara Shenkier, Jean-Yves Blay, Brian P. O’Neill, Philip Poortmans, Kristoph Janke, Lauren E. Abrey, Edward Neuwelt, Richard Tsang, Tracy Batchelor, Nancy Harris, Andres J. Ferreri, Maurilio Ponzoni, Peter O’Brien, James Rubenstein, Joseph M. Connors

Lyn Kinase Supports Primary Erythroid Progenitor Cell Development.


Vinit Karur, Bethany Vincent, Clifford Lowell, Don M. Wojchowski

Increased DNA Damage and Error-Prone Repair in MPD/MDS Mice with Disease Progression: Key Indicators for Increased Genomic Instability.


Feyruz V. Rassool, Terry J. Gaymes, Nicola Brady, Nicholas Lea, Marika Pla, Thi Hai Phan, Scott Kogan, Christine Chomienne, Nicholas S. Thomas, Ghulam J. Mafti, Rose Ann Padua

Identification of Cooperating Genetic Alterations in RUNX Leukemia Using the Mouse Model for the Human Familial Leukemia, FPD/AML.


Motomi Osato, Namiko Yamashita, Masatoshi Yanagida, Liqun Huang, Scott Kogan, Masayuki Iwasaki, Takuro Nakamura, Katsuya Shigesada, Norio Asou, Yoshiaki Ito
