
Dasatinib induces notable hematologic and cytogenetic responses in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of imatinib therapy.


Hochhaus A, Kantarjian HM, Baccarani M, Lipton JH, Apperley JF, Druker BJ, Facon T, Goldberg SL, Cervantes F, Niederwieser D, Silver RT, Stone RM, Hughes TP, Muller MC, Ezzeddine R, Countouriotis AM, Shah NP

SU11657 Cooperates with Doxorubicin To Increase Survival of Leukemic Mice.


Sabina Sevcikova, Brian D. Lee, Scott C. Kogan

The Phenotypic Consequences of an Activating Mutation in the Juxtamembrane Wedge of CD45 Is Sensitive to Genetic Modifiers.


Michelle L. Hermiston, Nicole M. Cresalia, Viola Lam, Allison L. Tan, Arthur Weiss

Src family kinases mediate neutrophil adhesion to adherent platelets.


Evangelista V, Pamuklar Z, Piccoli A, Manarini S, Dell'elba G, Pecce R, Martelli N, Federico L, Rojas M, Berton G, Lowell CA, Totani L, Smyth SS

Src family kinases mediate neutrophil adhesion to adherent platelets.


Evangelista V, Pamuklar Z, Piccoli A, Manarini S, Dell'elba G, Pecce R, Martelli N, Federico L, Rojas M, Berton G, Lowell CA, Totani L, Smyth SS

Beta common receptor inactivation attenuates myeloproliferative disease in Nf1 mutant mice.


Kim A, Morgan K, Hasz DE, Wiesner SM, Lauchle JO, Geurts JL, Diers MD, Le DT, Kogan SC, Parada LF, Shannon K, Largaespada DA

Beta common receptor inactivation attenuates myeloproliferative disease in Nf1 mutant mice.


Kim A, Morgan K, Hasz DE, Wiesner SM, Lauchle JO, Geurts JL, Diers MD, Le DT, Kogan SC, Parada LF, Shannon K, Largaespada DA
