Lexi Schneider + Charlotte Wang

May 12, 2022

Lexi Schneider (Student)
"Micro(glia) or Macro(phages)? The Economics of Brain Immunity"
Sailor, K. A. et al. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation chemotherapy causes microglia senescence and peripheral macrophage engraftment in the brain. Nat Med 28, 517–527 (2022). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01691-9.pdf
Coaches: Andrew Yang, PhD & Ari Molofsky, MD, PhD

Charlotte Wang (Student)
"CD8+ T cells KIR+bing CD4+ T cells: 
KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress pathogenic T cells and are active in autoimmune diseases and COVID-19"
Li, Jing et al. “KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress pathogenic T cells and are active in autoimmune diseases and COVID-19.” Science (New York, N.Y.), eabi9591. 8 Mar. 2022, doi:10.1126/science.abi9591
Coaches: Rachel Rutishauser, MD, PhD & Qizhi Tang, PhD