Charles Chiu, MD, PhD

Director, UCSF-Abbott Viral Diagnostics and Discovery Center (VDDC)
Associate Director, UCSF Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Department of Medicine - Infectious Disease
+1 415 514-8219
Research Overview: 

I am an infectious diseases physician and microbiologist and lead a translational research laboratory focusing on (i) metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) assay development for infectious disease diagnostics, (ii) discovery and characterization of emerging viral pathogens, and (iii) development of new bioinformatic tools and cutting-edge genomic technologies for clinical and public health applications. Current projects in my laboratory include (i) pathogen discovery in tickborne infections, acute febrile illness, and blood screening, (ii) investigating links between enterovirus infection and acute flaccid myelitis, and (iii) cell culture, human, and animal studies of Zika virus infection in acutely infected patients and pregnant women. We are also actively leveraging nanopore sequencing for diagnosis and surveillance of febrile illnesses in remote locations, including point-of-care outbreak settings and aboard the International Space Station, and developing bioinformatic pipelines for pathogen identification and host response characterization. Finally, we are investigating the use of machine-learning based methods for generation of models that can predict the cause of infection on the basis of RNA-Seq transcriptomic data.

Primary Thematic Area: 
Virology & Microbial Pathogenesis
Secondary Thematic Area: 
Research Summary: 
Metagenomics-Based Technologies for Virus Detection and Discovery



High-throughput multiplexed serology via the mass-spectrometric analysis of isotopically barcoded beads.

Nature biomedical engineering

Drainas AP, McIlwain DR, Dallas A, Chu T, Delgado-González A, Baron M, Angulo-Ibáñez M, Trejo A, Bai Y, Hickey JW, Lu G, Lu S, Pineda-Ramirez J, Anglin K, Richardson ET, Prostko JC, Frias E, Servellita V, Brazer N, Chiu CY, Peluso MJ, Martin JN, Wirz OF, Pham TD, Boyd SD, Kelly JD, Sage J, Nolan GP, Rovira-Clavé X

298. Host Response Profiling from Clinical Metagenomic Sequencing Data for Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Infections.

Open forum infectious diseases

Charles Omura, Mikael de Lorenzi-Tognon, Patrick Benoit, Venice Servellita, Kafaya Foresythe, Noah Brazer, Miriam Oseguera, Danielle Ingebrigtsen, Jessica Streithorst, Doug Stryke, Kelsey Zorn, Mary Karalius, Michael R Wilson, Charles Chiu

299. Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Central Nervous System Infections: Clinical Factors Associated with Increased Diagnostic Yield.

Open forum infectious diseases

Patrick Benoit, Mikael de Lorenzi-Tognon, Noah Brazer, Emily Kelly, Venice Servellita, Miriam Oseguera, Jenny Nguyen, Jack Tang, Charles Omura, Jessica Streithorst, Melissa Hillberg, Danielle Ingebrigtsen, Chengshi Jin, Ann Lazar, Charles Chiu

Severe Non-Donor-Derived Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection in 2 Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.

Open forum infectious diseases

Sayyad LE, Smith KL, Sadigh KS, Cossaboom CM, Choi MJ, Whitmer S, Cannon D, Krapiunaya I, Morales-Betoulle M, Annambhotla P, Basavaraju SV, Ruberto I, Kretschmer M, Gutierrez N, Zabel K, Austin C, Sandoval E, Servellita V, Foresythe A, Sumimoto N, Aqel BA, Khamash HA, Jadlowiec CC, Grys TE, Jaramillo A, Grill MF, Montgomery JM, Shoemaker T, Klena JD, Chiu CY, Vikram HR

Clinical impact of metagenomic next-generation sequencing testing on cerebrospinal fluid in a pediatric cohort with suspected central nervous system infections.

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Mikaël de Lorenzi-Tognon, Patrick Benoit, Noah Brazer, Venice Servellita, Miriam Oseguera, Jessica Streithorst, Melissa Hillberg, Danielle Ingebrigtsen, Kelsey Zorn, Michael Wilson, Timothy M Blicharz, Amy P Wong, Brian O’Donovan, Brad Murray, Steve Miller, Charles Y Chiu